Collaborative Debate: Save or Extract
Event type: Live Lecture
Date: February 13, 2024
Speaker: Wael N. Garine, DDS; Silvia La Rosa, DDS; Todd Schoenbaum, DDS, MS; and Hooman Zarrinkelk, DDS
- Meeting 6:00 p.m.
Sandhills Oral Surgery
CE Credits:
2 hours
Collaborative Debate: Save or Extract
Event type: Live Lecture
Date: February 13, 2024
Speaker: Wael N. Garine, DDS; Silvia La Rosa, DDS; Todd Schoenbaum, DDS, MS; and Hooman Zarrinkelk, DDS
- Meeting 6:00 p.m.
Sandhills Oral Surgery
CE Credits:
2 hours
Throughout your lifetime, some of the most difficult choices you will ever have to make are in deciding whether to let go or to hold on a little longer. As clinicians, we are not immune. Save or extract is undoubtedly a daily dilemma, and while we strive to make clear-cut choices, it is hard not to second guess ourselves in the decision-making process. A thorough understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment option will aid in making better decisions.
Side 1: Over the last two decades, dentistry has seen an increase in tooth removal and replacement with implant-supported prosthesis. This trend is largely attributable to better predictability of dental implants and the patients’ demand for quick results and immediate gratification
Side 2: The decision to remove otherwise reasonable teeth is technical as well as philosophical. As clinicians, we are ultimately facilitators of patients’ desires, tasked with treating their current dental condition to help them achieve their desired outcome. Most patients simply want an esthetically pleasing smile as quickly as possible.
Upon completion of this session, attendees should be able to:
- Recognize the clinical indications and benefits of maintaining the natural dentition.
- Understand the potential long-term effects of transitioning patients from natural dentition to dental implants.
Please note: Study Club events are only open to Central Carolina Dental Continuum members.
To join the CCDC, register online or contact Study Club Coordinator, Sarah Burrier, at